Here's why Lancaster was voted #1 Best Place to Retire for 2022.

Did you know that Lancaster, Pennsylvania was just rated number one out of 150 metro areas by U.S. News World Report? That’s amazing. We are so proud to live here. That report is based on six different indexes.

1. Happiness

2. Housing

3. Health care

4.  Desirability

5. Job market

6.  Retiree tax benefit

Did you know that seniors with pensions, social security, and IRAs are not taxed in Pennsylvania? From manicured suburbs to expansive farmland, history, shops, arts, culture nightlife, golf, dining, outdoor activities, etc. We have it all and we would love to show you more information on it as well.

Check out our Lancaster Local Secrets blog.

We update it regularly of great insider tips we’d love to get to meet you and show you the favorites of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, as well. We are number one for a great reason.